Six Sentence Sunday with On The Hunt.

This week's Six Sentence Sunday is from our first Reverse Harem book, On The Hunt.  Julien, Theo, Heath, and Piper are able to go back in time to solve well-known cases. First up for our quartet is Jack the Ripper.

TL and I had a blast coming up and then researching this well-known case and then putting our own spin on it with the evidence in front of us. Are we right in our theory? Maybe, maybe not, but it was a  blast working it out for our story.

On The Hunt is published through After Glows, who is currently running a sale on Amazon for first in the series. This means you'll be able to purchase this title for .99 cents until December 1st! You can find the complete list here.

Below are my six sentences.

“I didn’t think it was possible until last night. Watching you and Julian. Seeing him bring you to climax over and over again…something clicked for me.”
She wrapped her arms around him and wouldn’t let go. “Me too. But, I felt like I was missing a piece.”
Theo nodded. “Heath.”
Her bottom lip quivered. “Yes.”

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